Lever Advertising 1209 NE 120th Street Seattle, WA 98125
How to order: On the item’s page, simply click the link “Order now” and then fill out the form that appears. Within 48 hours you will receive an order confirmation that details your order. Please carefully look over the copy that will be imprinted on the item, and let us know ASAP if any changes need to be made. We will contact you with a confirmation of the order details and artwork imprint for your approval. No order can go forward without your approval of both. How is your order billed to you? Once the merchandise has been shipped, we will send you an invoice with net 15 day payment terms. This will give you time to receive and inspect the shipment and verify that all is as ordered. How do you return merchandise that does not meet your expectations? Please telephone us to alert us of this situation. We will arrange for return transportation of the shipment at our expense. You will be credited for the quantity returned. More questions? Use the email form below for other inquiries.
Tom Lever
To Contact Us - Phone 206-365-7400 Fax 206-400-7955 e-mail tom@leveradv.com US Postal Service - Lever Advertising 1209 NE 120th Street Seattle, WA 98125
Lever Advertising 1209 NE 120th Street Seattle, WA 98125
How to order: On the item’s page, simply click the link “Order now” and then fill out the form that appears. Within 48 hours you will receive an order confirmation that details your order. Please carefully look over the copy that will be imprinted on the item, and let us know ASAP if any changes need to be made. We will contact you with a confirmation of the order details and artwork imprint for your approval. No order can go forward without your approval of both. How is your order billed to you? Once the merchandise has been shipped, we will send you an invoice with net 15 day payment terms. This will give you time to receive and inspect the shipment and verify that all is as ordered. How do you return merchandise that does not meet your expectations? Please telephone us to alert us of this situation. We will arrange for return transportation of the shipment at our expense. You will be credited for the quantity returned. More questions? Use the email form below for other inquiries.
Tom Lever
To Contact Us - Phone 206-365-7400 Fax 206-400-7955 e-mail tom@leveradv.com US Postal Service - Lever Advertising 1209 NE 120th Street Seattle, WA 98125